HALO 3 FORGE OFF CONTEST RESULTS Hello Everybody and welcome to the official Results Thread for the Halo 3 Forge Off Contest. **I know this may...
Making the thread right this second. Results will be posted in exactly 20 minutes or less.
Hey whats up. I just accepted your Friend Invite from LG nation. Seems you post there very often. You working on any new maps? Well welcome to...
So delete the original ones, both sets, and then save&quit. Now chose the CTF stuff again, place it where you want, and then save&quit. This...
The merging and interlocking in this map really does make the map look very clean. But the one thing that I noticed is that the map looks very...
Do you know when Tex is doing his forgehub favorites again?
Looks like a great map. I really like the mix of high and low ground and spots. The geomerging and interlocking you have in this map is very...
I really like seeing more racing maps featured. It just goes to show you the verity of maps that forgehub has posted and featured. And that we all...
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice day.
I am having a little trouble finishing my infringe map. I think it might ask around.
hows remedy going, linu?