Im Scared The Pic Has Made Me Hide In The Corner
Very Impressive Im No Good At These Kinda Things
Pretty Good I tried to get the same effect but I cant do it
Ok there's lots of events of this happening If You Look at the link provided you will see them. Personally I think its real as a way to split the...
I dont Understand How you got The Matrix One.....
This was pretty well thought out I haven't seen anything like this I might be wrong there but it was fun especially with lotsa players
Yeah ......
A Map that not even the IDEA has Been Used a map . . . . .In Space There Would Be A Covenant Flagship And A Marine Flag Ship Think the space...
Hibiki I apolgise i haven't been on in a while so I completely missed your post unfortunatly Here is a re-do of the equipment plus a bit more to...
Thats A Good Point I Got Pissed Off Especially On Rat's Nest When I Saw One
Ok Here We Go.... Equipment Name: Mong-A-Fier Appearance : A Green Power Drain With Spikes Sticking Off Effect : When It's Activated It Makes...
it was a alright map you might want to give the zombies more health though