Nice map Pete, though I don't see much (if any) interlocking. It probably would look better with it. (but if there was interlocking correct me.)
Sweet map. I don't usually play on Avalanche, though I can see a difference (big difference.) I can't tell if there is any any inter locking, but...
Thanks projectt, I did try to fix it but I couldn't. It only let me fix the body and not the title
Nice map,though I don't really like to play on Ghost town
can u possibly get any pics on it?
Is there possibly any way to make equipment last forever on the map? Example: make a bubble shield out and never brake so anyone...
Good thing u deleted the 2nd 1 cuz I dunno what would of happened if u didn't. Anyway it looks like a sweet map
Hey everyone, I'm new here and not very good at forging but it's my favorite halo 3 based thing 2 do. If I keep up forging I could get a little...
sounds like a kool map. I just wish there were some pics so I could get a better idea of what the map is like,but u will get them tomorrow right
I'm not one 4 maze maps, but it still looks very worth playing
It's the second pic that makes me want 2 download it
I luv the way it has barrels and barriers as the wheels
That's so cool, it does look like a jungle
y did u post map twice? There was no need 4 that
It looks playable and fun,and sort of reminds me of a skatepark
I like the idea [especially the tunnels]
I agree with grizzly, and I don't think I ever would have thought the whole river thing
How deep can u go? and which one do u like better?
Thats really kool and kreative for being on Avalanche. One question though, can u get inside one and, or both of the robots?
Nice map, though personally I like foundry more than Avalanche.