If all we did was compliment his video then he wouldn't know how to fix it.
Ohai, do u haz long hair?
You loved being cool, but then i showed up and took your reign.
Could i get my name changed to "Y35 <3" if you have the time?
There are many single head shot snipes, nothing out of the ordinary. And in griffall (as Laxer said above) your almost guaranteed a multi-kill.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/80351-some-islands.html DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN noncaps
How do we know you didn't just grab these off of Google Images? You need to take one with yourself in it.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/80172-greatest-conspiracy-theories-evar-1-a-3.html Its that Mr. Mojo guy again. With his stupid eagle.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/79875-describe-person-above-you-12.html There a little offtopic.
Hmm, i clicked DL and it took me to the DL screen. So i checked you File Share and you were right, its not there. This is weird, unless they...
No. Once its off, its done.
Excuz me sir, if you want to join the kool krew send me a message back asap.
Hai, if yew want to be part of a cool thread msg me back.
Map Posting Rules Threads must include at least one picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map...
Agreed, and to add on to your OP i too play CoD4(tenth prestige) and CoD5(Used to be top 50 for sabo) and yet, i ended up here on a halo forum.
YouTube - Jay Sean - "Down" feat. Lil Wayne - OFFICIAL VIDEO Favorite song
Wow, i do this all the time with liter bottles, but that kid took it to the extreme. Also, can you imagine the mind of the kid videotaping? lol...
I know, i was just pointing them out. And you always talk about me getting permabanned and "Going down" yet I havent gotten an infraction in weeks.
Why would you tell me to delete all of my comments, then say its "up to you to do so"? Thats contradicting, and also, there are smaller sites like...
Just delete all of our posts. Im done, but you covered your tracks very good. I have enough tho. Like your marathon when you were 13.