Reviewed, and all seems to be working :) Added to main post. Remember to post here if you find out anything other cooler :3 Remember the rules,...
Hm okay thats cool :) nice thanks. I bet this is useful to alot of people :D
This is cool, nice find. Hmm, how much are yu damaged if you fall from 8.5?
I'm bumping this. I'm always looking for new tips and tricks, you should be too ;) dont forget to post them here :3 Edit: Also, I guess I could...
You're right! GET HIM! Nah, just kidding. But, I really don't understand why they made the waterfall an unforgable area. It's such a shame. It's...
Okay, here's my "review" of the map so far :) (ugh sorry if my english is bad, 5:12 am school tomorrow. dont ask. (also swedish)) It played of...
Wouldn't you just love some nice arctic hideout and battles taking place in forests? Oh, and they should've given us trees to place, not only rocks :/
Uh, I don't think so. And just to be sure, here's two pictures: The first one, it still hasnt been affected by the man cannon... [IMG] The second...
Will test this and if it works I'll add it. :) Great!
I completely agree. And, we're not even able to forge in half of the space in that circle! I'd be happy if they just made it possible for us to...
Yes, and even better, I find more tips and tricks and you other guys do too and post them here :)
Okay, edited the main post and added a link to your topic. :) Remember to post your tips and tricks here ;) :D
Sorry B3NW, had no idea you've come up with that before. Link to thread? :3 Oh, and I found out another thing, maybe found before, but worth...
BizBloodshot, you did clearly not read his post(s). He states that he did try this in custom games, and that it still doesn't work. Venasque:...
Halo: Reach Tips and Tricks After some searching, I found no thread like this. If there is somewhere please remove this thread and link me to the...
I'll manage. it's 9:10 pm now, around 4 hours left right? or sumthin Sweden gogogo :D worst timezone in the world somehow... xD <3
ouch, nine hours? hmm 1 am my time, school tomorrow although I think I'll have time for one game or something
Select the object -> B -> edit coordinates -> make sure the Y position is the same on both of objects
Just to clarify, approximately how long do you think it'll be until playtesting starts?
What time tomorrow? :3