Bump! :D Oh, and Update! Added a trick I accidentally overlooked D: Oh, and I won't be able to update until at least sunday because of awesome...
Wait, what? Elaborate please :3
Wooo! Twentieth trick added to list! Yay! Goal reached! Maybe this is what'll make this thread stickied <3 awesome
I DID state earlier in the thread that anyone that wanted credits just needed to tell me ^^ ohwells love :*
There we go, I think everyone is credited now. If not, please tell me and I'll fix it. :D love, Rolfero.
I know it's so awesome :D
awesome thanks love you :*
Uh, got a link? xD Hey, that's pretty cool. Hm, preferably I'll wait until you got some pictures up and tested it with explosions, as I can't...
There we go, updated the main post. We are now up to 19 total tips and tricks. :) SOON WE'LL REACH OUR GOAL OF 20 THEN OUR GOAL WILL BE 30 THEN 40...
I can confirm this, I've did it too after it got submitted in this thread. I also added it to the list :D Also, BUMPAN' fourth page. This should...
To make them actually fall down, you need to use movable objects, such as crates, street cones or similar. All other objects will stay put....
...go to hell. just kiddin ;D its okay just let me update :D
Chan, may you please explain in more detail how to do it. I can't get it to work in custom games. FlamingArmadillo, I'll check out that, 2 sec...
This looks really cool, if you'll run a test again sign me up :) GT Rolfero this looks like a really cool concept, and I love the idea love
Oh hey, just wanted to say I added your weaponless glitch to my Tips 'n' Tricks list, it's number 14 and the latest addition! I copied the thread...
If this is supposed to make a weapon spawn at a certain spot, then fall to the ground and be pick-uppable and stuff, you can just place a weapon...
Just wanted to tell ya, that your post have been noticed and added to the list of tips and tricks. Thanks for contributin', love, and take good...
Thanks for all the input. 10 total tips 'n' tricks so far. Going to work on expanding the WATER INFORMATION list soon, don't worry. Also, please...
I walked through the map, alone, both in custom games and forge. I'd like to start off by saying, Beautiful! The main parts we're really...
Hm. May I ask real nice how you made those drop pods? From the screenshots I've understood the principle, and falling inside two barricades like...