i did didnt i
that is one hot looking map dude
Though i say remake, i think this map is more a tribute to the great map that made me fall in love with halo, i've been forgeing since the day...
dude have you added me?
try using the colossal wall in a vertical postion dip it into the water then rotate, might be able to fish them out then grab?
we would like to join, Add gamertag Torched Frog and Randy Racoons
i think i've cracked it thankyou all, i've never finished a map before, done only gun art, though i may be constantly tweaking it i feel it plays...
ahah i feel enlightend by the green, lots of epethanys as i realise my sillyness. Edited by merge: thankyou for taking the time to look at it,...
i forge till i cant smoke anymore
thanks i'll have a read through them, yes its on there user name .torched frog.
i'm building what is my tribute to the best map in halo 3, not a replica more a gaurdian theme, but am having problems with team spawning they...
around 20 hours in total alot of starting over on certain things that bugged me or i'd be workin away for a few hours without saving then...
a few people have said that, maybe i should change the name, i'm working on a dragon fly at the moment if anyone wants to come watch or help out...
nice dude, do one with a sparten standing on the rubix cube staring at the other sparten like a litte borrower
8 legs??? Nooooooo(its a robo spider and it had a tight budget and couldnt afford 8 legs:) as for how long they took, the spider tok a fair few...
adding one more [IMG] i've got loads and loads of work at the mo so i'm missing out on forging time :(
it does have a few flaws i may look into them then do another shot, it was made on cold storage. thanks
enrage is sick
lol now you mention it hmmmm
haha no chance this one took me about 9 hours, i'm working on a hornet (insect) but its giving me a right brain ace :/