As long as you scale everything up proportionally it should still maintain feel.
Looking forward to this one. Finally someone who cares about scale
Please please please reference the original and get the scaling perfect. I trust you to do this TSB, but a lot of people think "Oh I remember the...
I'm sorry but the only maps close to a remake in this list are Warlord and The Cage(why bother). The rest are "Inspired by". Their scaling is...
Can I see your line of sight between S1 and BR1?
It is not. All suits are gone. :( Please sign it and maybe we can get them back.
It's more than that. It's an identity. I've been using this emblem for 7 years now (since 2005). That's a long time associated with an icon....
Someone posted a video of all the emblems, and it definitely didn't have all the ones from Halo: Reach and before
Help make 343 aware of this Some of us are very attached to our emblem. I've been using this emblem since Halo 2 and now it's gone. I really want...
Ok so it's come to the point where my friends limit is so full I have to remove a friend who passed away last year. I really don't want to do it,...
I talked to joeski about getting an update into MM. He's gonna talk to them and see if it's possible
lol did you know about this: Halo: Reach Hiding Tactics 2 For 1 on :: Renova & Chateau :: Hiders R Us - YouTube
Yeah I guess I can do that. I do want to continue to help out around here but right now I just don't see myself having the time. Hopefully in the...
It was good. We did christmas here with the in-laws. Then I had a week off work followed by a really drunk new years. Work's been really good...
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A description Pictures (at least 3...
farewell good sir
Yeah I looked like 8 minutes after you messaged me and was like ?_? Then I checked the thread info and saw he did it.
The matchmaking version doesn't have a lot of the aesthetic touches that the throwdown version had, but aside from that it's essentially the same...
I fixed it for you. use 22615027 in the future