think you could nominate me for THC judges :)
should i sketchup some ideas i have for renova?
for sure. don't get back to my xbox until the 27th or so.
Def because of the outcry. I dont really have anything yet but just thought you might have a map to submit
12/20 Update *Mouseover to view Weapon spawns and Teleporter connections*...
shock made an appearance on here today
He's Alive! : Chartis Graphein : Private Forum : Interested in some small maps
I just uploaded another version to my file share. This one includes OS spawns at the old OS/invis spawns. I also uploaded images of the lite...
Done. The issue was their angle was too extreme. Dropped them back 10degrees now it feels more natural. I uploaded a new version to my File...
I dunno I just felt like a totally enclosed map was boring visually. The light shining in gives it some more personality. I started it with...
Fixed that for you You're fooling yourself if you think Developers are the ones at fault here.
Rat Trap Rat Race Remake From Halo:CE. Updated Weapons and Spawns. Supports all gametypes. Built by Vincent Torre. To Download: Start ->...
Can't people just be greatful they got to play the maps at all instead of pointing blame?
Assuming they make it a launch title. I think they learned from Halo 3 that you can launch a killer game a year later and consoles will still...
Original was 1:30. Same as snipe and shotgun.
That's what people like though Pegasi. Plus If they can integrate Forge maps better this time around we can get our arena fill from forge and get...
Longest Yard is TERRIBLE for dueling. It's alright for most other games. There's so many good Quake 3 maps just begging to be remade