I'm expecting as much but I gotta try, ya now? Anyways I sent them this: Dear Sir or Madam, There is a major issue that is not receiving much...
How did you send your message to Certain Affinity? Did they ever get back to you?
What point of contact did you use to reach CA?
1/12/13 Update: -Removed bumps in map. Should be perfectly smooth now -Minor tweaks to OD New Classic Version: Rat Trap Classic -All original...
awesome i'll try and get on tonight to give it a look over
This map is spectacular. The first Foundation remake that actually keeps the proper scale of the main ring
I liked this one a lot, but there's some issues that need addressing. Your damage boost spawns inside the map. There's also a lot of weapons on...
This map feels very accurate and seems fun. But you absolutely have to fix the suicide spawn point and other things like having the primary...
Yeah this killed it. Beautiful looking but completely unplayable
This map is very aesthetically pleasing and close to the original. Though we tried playtesting it and it was completely unplayable due to the...
I don't really think some of those are the cream of the crop. I'm going through the remakes in the submission thread and there are better maps...
Map Name: Rat Trap Created By: Vincent Torre Original Map: Rat Race (Halo: CE) Link to FH thread:...
How do you do green? Is that with the dominion base doors? Edited by merge: Update: 12/29 Minor updates only -Changed shield doors to...
No because those use an engine to render game data into visual effect. The screenshots are a rendered version of that converted into an image format
I could really use a video of my remake, Rat Trap :)
I made out like a bandit. My wife also killed it with her gift - Nikon D3000 with a 18-55 lens and a 55-200mm lens. Super happy about it Her...
Think you could get me a video of rat trap =)
Some of my maps: I got 2 in matchmaking. Renova in Team Slayer Rat Trap in Team Classics Forge Hub - View Profile: MickRaider you can...
The BR just needs better clustering at closer range. Missing a shot with it at mid range is just unacceptable. The DMR really doesn't suffer much...
Thanks man, tell people like spincycle as well :)