-_- the movie made my stomach turn, i guess only time will tell truth.
First Line from the first link "No one can say that the bible is not a credible sourse" So this guy disagrees with you on his first line, and...
How can you say the bible is not credible, prove that its not. Alot of people seen the what happened on the days the christ walked the earth, and...
How can I do that? Thats like saying: Prove Gorge Washington was president without refrencing a history book, thats impossible. To this day...
He didnt have Magical Powers, he performed Miracles. -_- Hear me out. The bible also says that there is many falses. Plus, Jesus and the...
-_- this is wrong, i can defend the one who died for you and me, just ask me anything. :(
Before I answer, yes I am indeed Christian. I do believe there is life in other places. I believe it says somewhere in the bible that there is....
You do know that 85% of the middle east want everyone in the west side of the earth obliterated right? So its Eat or be Eaten, 9/11 Americans...
I don't think I would call Batman a Super Hero, he doesnt have any super powers. -_- But I do call him a Hero. He protects the innocent, and...
Map: Warehouse, GameVariant: Ninjas Vs Jnauts User Name(s): DarkBlades (GT: DarkBlades25) Map Name: Warehouse Game Variant: Ninjas & Jnauts...
My Gamertag is: DarkBlades25
Your kind of young, but its cool. Age doesnt matter, as long as your serious about making good forged maps and gametypes. As far as forge skills...
Gamertag: DarkBlades25 Times you can get on: Mornings/Day/Late Nights 12(midnight) -6pm, Pacific Standard Time. Mic yes/no?: Yes and No, mostly...
Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0 Firstly, theres only 2 minutes per round, and 3 lives per person. There is a fair amount of ballence. Im...
Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0 Images are now up , sorry for not putting them up in the first place
Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0 Plasmas are default start Theres only 1 Battle Rifle, placed Screens coming. sorry for the bad post -_-
Hi, Some of you (testers) have already tried my pre-version of the Starship Troopers game, this is the final version....
got it working, one sided does not work unless it has atleast 1 person on ea team.
am I looking for a physical bomb? I even played on the defensive loooking for the bomb -_- and no bomb..