Hi Forgehub ! I present you my first map on Halo Reach created my Tepec Fett and I (SpartanKill) which is a remake of Headlong in Halo 2. For...
Thank you for all the feedbacks ! Very happy to see that you enjoy my map :) I've found it during the last session of test... I change it then...
MLG Cosmo This is MLG Cosmo of Team TWE, conceived and realized by Spartan45kill, assisted by Fanatik and Voi. Born of a desire to widen the...
Thanks everybody for this interesting debate concerning "tactical jumps" ! ^^ First, MousseMooseROCKS you're right : I'll put a banister to go to...
Can you check out again my MLG map ? Thanks a lot !
Thanks for all the feedbacks ! I add the pictures in my first post. I also give you the weapons list : -1 Sniper - 2 clips - 150s - Drop spawn...
Thanks a lot ! I add new pictures from the map : [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Hello guy, I've started my first MLG map and I wanna know what you think about it. I give you 2 pictures : [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Thanks for your replies and your help ! Your weapon list is good for symetrical game but only if player are common player like me and you...
First, thanks to have "cargar" my map (cargar significa "download" pero descargar significa "unload" ^^ ). If you like the structure of my map...
First thank for all the reply, I must say that all the blocks have a real importance : just download and you'll see... You're right this map is...
BTB Delta v1 Made by Spartan45kill BTB Delta was made for 12-16 Players. It's an asymmetrical map that works with these gametypes : Big Team...
Nice map guy ! From seeing the picture I can say that I love the triple bridge and the base, but why don't you interlock red and blue sphere and...
Thanks everybody for the feedbacks ! You're all right our map is easily breakable but I hope people who play on will be intelligent and don't...
From Hell Team T.W.E is proud to show you From Hell create by Voi69 & Spartan45kill. Only infection games on this map !! 8-16 players....
Good idea man ! I'll try do it later. Oh I forgot to say it in my first post, this map can be play in Team Sniper and Team SWAT. Very nice in Team...
Thank to be a good grammar teacher because I really need it. ^^ But try to post your map in a good french... Why don't you like our killball ?
The best means to discover a map is to play on. I hope you change your opinion if a day you play on ! Thank to the feedback.
Thank for the feedback ! First you must know that killball does not affect the gameplay only the aesthetic. But I can understand that you don't...
Résigné Heavy Team T.W.E is proud to show you our first map create by Voi69 and Spartan45kill. Made for symétric game like Team Slayer and CTF....