this map looks really fun the snipers seem like they would be pretty useless on this map unless your a really good no scoper i like the layout alot
oh and by the way whats up with the hole in the ceiling?
this map looks pretty fun i love the level 1 2 3 4 thing ive never seen someone use that before wish i thought of that
well this looks like a good 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 map the rockets could get a bit hectic what the respawn time for them?
well this map looks really good do you think you could get some more pictures and maybe a weapons list? other than that great job
Edit: after playing I found if you throw a grenade behind the weapons you can get them to fly to you thank you for telling me i tried that and...
Hello this is my first map ever posted here Iniquity it was made for 4vs4-6vs6 it supports assault, capture the flag, king of the hill,...
wow this map looks very excelent especially for a non interlocked map 4.9/5
this looks like a very well made 2vs2 map i dont see a single bump in the walkways except the bridges but those bumps are always there the walls...
his pictures may be to small but until he gets them fixed you can click on the picture itself and it will take you to a larger version of that...
Will you put it in your post when someone wins? and who the winner is?
wow this map looks well fordeged (or however you spell that) i would download... but my account got taken off cause i didnt have enough money to...
the map looks good from the one pic you should include more pictures though and possibly a weapon list *edit* thank you for adding more stuff =D
wow this map looks really cool but what if you fall off? is there a place where you get back on? but yeah looks really great i love the jumps you...
these maps look really good i like how you hardly used any interlocking they look great im gonna give them a download after i delete some maps i...
lol thats what i do to :P it works really well
this map looks really cool it has really good interlocking and i really like the sniper slit that the sniper comes out of 5/5
i really like the way this map looks nice interlocking/geo-merging i like the face thats up there 2 atleast i think its a face
did you interlock at all in this? cause if you didnt then thats pretty cool cause the map looks pretty neat and it looks like its interlocked but...
you know how you said if you just the silver part of the bridges if you flip the bridges over then there will be no jumping over the silver...