Re: Towers&Bridges {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} A smart usage of double boxes turned up&bridges. Okay, if I were you I would neaten up the images so we can...
Interesting map, But as usual you know I found a way out. You got to see me, if you want to make the map perfect you need to find another way to...
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I It's always a good idea to go original and separate yourself from the crown. :P
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I Yeah that's a good idea, I just don't want to create it in the near time, but maybe in a...
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I Well the thing is you see, people are creating there own versions on foundry with walls...
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I Yes, It seems as if you guys are purposely doing this so that you can get more posts....
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I You will have to ask Lon3, Because he came up with the name.
Just to help you, Please make the links to the images work, Because when I click them. A figure pops up on my screen telling me, indeed that image...
Lol, I was joking all i got was good comments on the video. And I will check off " All Of The AboVE ".
Well, In my video I got mainly good comments, it just takes too long for no real credit, In my opinion.
Yeah, I know when I first realeased my video , I got some pretty harsh comments, so I think from now on all of us community should just stick to...
Well, I was just looking for some music, and since it was my first time, and was told on such short notice. I had to pick out some random music....
I'm a noob.Please read through all details carefully to understand the full rules!My shoes have been stolen. Created By: I Romath I and Mealon X...
Yes I got a PM stating they didn't feel they needed a full time filmer and that nitrous was taking over.. and if I felt that I wanted to keep...
Lol it looks like it worked now more people then ever will probably sign up!
Name Of Map: Turf Wars Best Played with: Turf Wars Gametype - 4 Teams of 3 people. Description: Step into the Streets of L.A. defend your own turf...