Ok I'm wanting to make a complete community guide to forging a map. If you post in respones to this pls Add something. My plan is to take the best...
Ok i know what your thinking i already saw this map an it was bad. Ok i got it and im hoping by the time im done it a very good competitive map....
This is a map i made as a hobby. I plan on submitting it to the mlg contest but don't really think it will win. My thoughts on designing this map...
I remeber readin a post about MLG and one guy said that The MLG people were looking for maps made under 5K so i though a challenge make a top...
Rosevelt Research Center RRC is influenced by halo Ce. Mainly the last mission the part where the two walkways lead to the center viewing...
AINT YA MAMA's MAP PACK Plague Description - Plague is an arean type map thier are two tunnels in the center of the map and couple of...
Im not sure how i done it but i will recount all the event i done. Forged a map - on live Signed in player 2 as alterate account - silver...
I having some issues with my frame rate on one of my maps. i just want to know how to get rid of it. If you want you can come an take a look over...
LOS stand for Line of sight. How this works is you take a small group of spawns i usually use 3. place them in places that can be easily seen....
WHack a mole. Do you thinks its possible. i was thinking using teleportors and grav lifts to make it where they keep flying up and just disable...
I was thinking kinda like the featured maps section but it has only the best remakes of Maps and could be sub divided based on which game the map...
What you will need At least 6 Anti spawn zones and 6 weak spawn zones To begin layout you spawns and spawns zones as normal leaving only...
Im about 1/4 of the way through the basic geometery and running out of ideas for the map. Was thinking a new perspective may help out quite a bit....
There are 3 types of king of the hill Static, Sequence, and random. I got a good set up for random. but the problem is i want the hill in the...
Ok i'm generally confused about what the labels in invasion do so i though it would be a good idea to compile an easy to understand list. Even...
How do you set up a map for objectives game types. im stil a little confused by all the labels and stuff pls help.
Ellipse - Link Fixed Ellipse [IMG] Key Features 1. The bridge The Bridge is the Heart and soul of this map. from the first moment you step foot...
shockwave shock wave is a competitive map. made for slayer and team slayer. it has only covant weapons. weapons. 1-plasma pistol-full-spawn-30...
i want to make a map. dosent matter what it is. so lets make a map togher. just send a fr to aint i puttn on check out some of my work if u want...