Yo guys I really only posted this map because i just wanted to get it uploaded here but im working on V2 and its gonna be way better cause i still...
Description Killtacular V1 took nearly 20 hours into the making and now i have screen shots to prove it. I added many opening to the shotgun...
nice effort -check out my map killtacular V1- its virtually better than every slayer type map on this sight
i know i just joined this sight but this is the first great map ive seen yet nice. you should check out my map its even better its on my fileshare
your map is extremely plain because it like 70% of the map is at the same level hight, no well designed rooms, lacks dimension and uniquness.
you guyz should go see my killtacullar v1 map it is nearly 10 times better cause it has nearly 4 dimmensions/openings in every spot and i also...
This map took nearly 20 hours and i made and incredible amount of dimensions and if ur playing 4v4 the shotgun rooms have so much balance that the...
1v1 maps are the best because u can put in so much detail into the grounds and walls and like this u could actually form hills and i find this map...
if only foundry was bigger then you actually could be able to add vehicles like the wraith without the gameplay being stupid. lol i really dont...
this is probably the best remake ive ever seen nice job dude :squirrel_nono: :squirrel_jaffa: