Loadout Camera Tips and Tricks Let me start off by explaining how i set up cameras for my maps then ill tell ya a couple tricks to help "test"...
This map was designed for Team King of the Hill with starting weapons set to sniper rifles and shotguns. There is a total of 3 hills that stretch...
[IMG] Red Base Edited by merge: [IMG] Center (Water side) [IMG] ***Screenshot has the roof removed JUST for the picture to show the base...
Elongation (*contest submission) The conveyor belt area does spawn boxes every ten seconds down the line to emulate the belt filling up, also the...
Welcome to my home page! I'm new to Forge Hub but just give me some time as I will be adding links to many of my maps VERY soon. BUT for now if ya...
If you look on the remake contest thread you will see my rendition of elongation. I will be putting more links to my maps on my homepage thru this...
ill be checking your maps out today....feedback to come :)
Map Name: Elongation Map Remade: Elongation Players: 2-8 Gametypes: Team Slayer, Free-for-all, and Oddball [IMG] *Screenshots are bigger on my...