I just learned a new way to jump :p Good find, I guess people are going to have to completely block off areas that they don't intend to use.
Thanks. I should be on around 6:30 or 7.
I'll test out your map, tell me when. GT= OMG Productions
The same thing happened to me. I had the red ring and they took FOREVER. I told my brother to call and yell at them and they said that along with...
I really like the one we have now. It's simple but awesome.
^ Spam post? I like the style and I love grunge sigs, but it's a large signature. With bigger signatures you have to make use of the space which...
Oh, serious one.. FallenDemi?
Also, there isn't even a stand underneath it..
Lol I read that one. If the Transformers game can play online (I don't know if it can) then you should get it.
I use the beta and so far I like it, I haven't seen the bugs, though.
I got mine because like 4 years ago, I drew funny comics and stories and I wanted to publish them, and it would be my logo. I remembered that and...
I LOVE this map! It's a great party game and it's fun with a ton of people or just a few. This is one of my favorite maps, and I hope you come up...
I bet that one got a news story about there being kids around.
Deathbagel! My GT is my forum name.
I like smaller signatures and I think the plain text is fitting for the image.
I always use proper grammar, except on MySpace. but even then i just type like this
I just finished making it, and I've never done any other signature style than grunge. For a first of whatever type this is, I think I did pretty...
Yeah, I'm getting the same response as here, and now no replies on BNet at all.
Niko Bellic sure is badass. That guy is crazy good at stunts!
"Yeah and an optional sunroof..." That was hilarious!