Thanks for the replies everyone, really appreciate it. The amount of rocks is the same as on Halo 2 Sanctuary. Blue side on Asylum has always...
If you die very quickly right after a checkpoint for a certain amount of times it will send you back 2 checkpoints.
I'm guessing you set the power weapons to have a max amount of 8 on the map? That costs budget too.
Since launch I've always thought the Sanctuary remake called Asylum in Reach could have been so much more than it ended up being. While I...
So you want more enemies and teammates? Wow, that's some innovation right there buddy.
I'm not saying it necessarily works in the entire sandbox, but I do think the DMR on its own plays a lot better without bloom. 2v2s with the...
I hate going back to 85% after having played 0% though. It's better compared to 100% but in the end bloom just ruins so much in Reach.
Can't steal something you never had. :)
You could use it to seduce a nice looking girl for all I care. You've got my blessing. :) Just tell me what the players think about the map, I...
I will never be able to vote ever again.
Jesus Christ.
You can download the current version here: : Halo Reach : File Details I'm not planning on make any more drastic changes so that'll...
The DMR bullet has travel time but it covers a distance larger than any map in matchmaking in a single frame. I'm pretty sure the Halo 3 BR had a...
Here's the newest version if anyone wants to download it: : Halo Reach : File Details I've changed some small thing. -The bon areas...
Latency is in every match.
Wow, you sure co-forge a lot. I hate forging off-host. How do you manage?
That's lag.
343 confirmed it's not the pistol. It's a different weapon altogether.
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
You could jetpack up there on Asylum too and I've never really seen anyone use or exploit it. Hell, you could even jump up there without jetpack,...