Something about people having to pick up healthpacks or something.
I need to play this some more so I actually remember where the teleporters lead. Screwed me over quite a few times.
No Sprint please, just give us a faster base speed than Reach has and I'm set.
I never said that other AAs weren't (more) gamebreaking. I simply said that (as a loadout) it's gamebreaking. All AAs except for hologram are ****.
Nothing more fun than fighting against a rolling ball.
You act like bleedthrough only occurs when you're punching people. What if you're hit by a grenade and still have some shield left, it's extremely...
Yeah, the spawns are dynamic. This means less spawn-killing (spawn-trapping is still possible), but it also means that you have to relearn how to...
Vanilla Reach's shield system is fine. I don't mind bleedthrough being gone at all. I prefer the more consistent and clearer system that Reach had...
You couldn't be more wrong.
I'm fine with the bleedthrough removal. It was just too inconsistent especially when your shields are recharging. And then there is the healthpack...
Why the **** is Squad Slayer getting removed? And we're getting a Team Slayer replica playlist with TU settings in its place? That makes no sense.
If you reload and switch weapons twice at the right moment you will be able to shoot/zoom in faster. The usual time between reload and being able...
How about longest killstreaks? Just a few days ago I beat my old 32 killstreak and got a 35 streak on Metro.
It's latency.
[img] [img] And I get host all the time.
It's okay if you're a bit late.
Open that NAT up yo.
"Originality is the best policy"
The coliseum walls are cheap and big, anything else would cost a lot more budget or look weird. There are a lot of things that I could change for...
Whoever thinks this is real should be banned.