Wow I almost didn't check out your map since it sounded like a bland warm up map but it was the total oposite of what I expected. It's good but...
Your map is very open in the middle and very cramped in the tunnels. Most mlg maps don't have long tunnel systems but a single tunel piece to...
This map needs some work. First off there is one rout that's it you need paths on the sides if not more ways to get from base to base. Also I find...
I like the map layout itself and it looks like you put allot of work into it. However I'm not Sure how suited this map is for mlg. There seems to...
Your map is very smooth I will give it a + for that but as you mentioned it lacks cover I would add some walls half out, fused into your rocket...
Sry but the map is a little small bump issues aside the map houses a sniper which I don't think is apropriate considering your maps size and...
Just wow total ignorance here. You can take a picture of your map in a custom game to get spawn points out of the way many people do this because...
Ok if u still haven't gotten a full answer ya the custom works as a 3x over in all mlg gametypes. And for the map nice work 4.5/5 I realy like...
Looking at your map it was hard to see the merging and the random sideways walls aren't very effective cover . You could still be seen eve when...
It's a little dark for MLG but other than that great. It's got all the right techniques merging etc. I am also not shure about the two snipes and...
Ok I've looked at a few of your maps and they are all way too asthetic for MLG. Start Casual and find a good mlg rules thread I know DeathstarsOG...
Mlg= imoovable objects sry simple as that. Playability must remain constant fix the barrells or the map ain't MLG. 4/5 every thing else is good
You don't need to name it v6 especialy with mythic maps it's kinds assumed but ur right it's obvious what the V6 stood for. The map looks good but...
Follow the link above fix your screenshots it's a vital part of getting downloads and proper reviews. PS Weapon lists are also helpfull as well...
You defanately need more screenshots and take them out of first person monitor mode if u need more help feel free to pm me but at least look at...
I have to agree man canons that are used for transport are also usualy frowned upon for MLG maps however using them as lifts are not.
Ok first off nice map even if there are lots of sky bubble maps for mlg. Nice layout but their are a few holes in the wall / railings. I would...
I feel that the sparten laser might be possible but difficult to pull of. The one draw back no one has mentioned is that a sparten laser can't...
Hey I checked out this thread since I've been looking for answers on mlg weapon specifics such as the plasma rifle. Ihave to say this is a great...
Here are a few weapons I made. A ground burst that launches two cluster bombs that relase lots of weak penatestors which don't under dirt much so...