My sig amazing your kidding right. My freind made this sig and totaly messed up the top left corner he's fixing it by Monday though. Personly...
Ok I know you posted this map twice what's going on. I will inform you this is against the rules of forgehub and I am obliged to report this....
I was describing how to make a revolving levitating turret with a banshee and you can hold down hornets you need at least ten if I remember...
Ya I experimented with all those things it took all but six of the cups to finaly stop the banshee from getting away. Also main strucure objects...
Sry but I disagree since you can sink tin cups under the surface so they aren't vissable and would allow for full rotation like an artilery gun...
Hmm i dont realy want to turn this into a helpthread so if you have more questions dont post them either pm them to me or go to a helpthread. But...
You would want to add that tidbit in your main post. As for the game type You really should rethink it since you have a small max chopper limit...
Its just the basic traits of the objects he didnt do anything special to them. They're like dumpsters in foundry cant be moved by explosions or...
Oh wow your a demon and you don't realize their kidding seriously, have you ever seen a golden weapon even an admins. They're all the same bland...
At first I was going to get mad at a demon for double posting but I realized you obviously ran out of room my bad. Anyways your map looks fairly...
Your map is incredibly smooth so major props for that Everything well interlocked and the only thing I have to complain about is the long tunnel....
Ok first thing you should not have re posted. You should have gone to edit and hit the advanced options at the bottom which is only missing the...
Thats really not the point kill balls should not really be used as an obstacle in game play if its the only way to get to your opponents....
Oh I do like this idea. I like it alot. Props for only using destructible structures as the gameplay parts of your map. I totally see where you...
Well thanx for going to all the trouble and telling him how to actually post pics guys. Now Heres some help and rather top notch help I might... see your having some picture posting problems. Please watch the very helpful...
Ok here is what I would personaly do. I would add some side bases next to the main bases but a good distance away for chopper room and possibly...
Stop spamming for the love of forgehub I already warned you with a very detailed response yet here you are again. Please add something...
Well This is a very impressive first post(assumed). Its fairly smooth however you could interlock a few boxes to get rid of some cracks that nades...
Consider yourself corrected sort of... The weapons list said rocket 2x but on the mapped weapons I only see one. Hmm... ROC bioflame would you...