it is a free roam map, you dont have to make it to the top of the tower, but it provides best chance for survival. and yeah ill try to upload some...
very nice i like the design of the house and how big it is and how the walkway in front adds to the scenery
lol no frame rate lag from what i can tell, i mean its trippy like crazy colorful.
ok awesome! ill make it support team slayer and infection now thanks for the tip.
This map was created purely for aesthetics and to be visually stimulating and as it turns out, its very fun and trippy to play. There are three...
This is my latest Rendition of infection maps. This map takes place in a haunted valley which lefts its previous visitors hungry for...
Edit: sry double posted plz delete this post
nice zombie map, looks fun you should lower some of the graves so the bottoms arent showing to make it look more like a tombstone
yeah nova gfx or something its 3 different colors. could do purple so it looks more like night. the mystery box room has a 10 second kill barrier...
Twilight Beacon is an infection map where you start in the graveyeard (which is where the zombies spawn), and you must make your way to the...
Looks Nice and simple like a Floating satelite or something, very cool. But who is Everest Hanna See The Bottom of The Map with The Decoration...
Wow seems like something from Star-wars! I like The idea of The Floating base and that you could Be sniping somebody from across the Map then...
Very imprsssive i downloaded this awhile ago, just thought i,d post and bump The Thead ;) What Other Maps u got to post, i Wanna See more!
Woo another gaurdian Remake! Lolz Any1 remember that modded version of gaurdian in Halo3? Had Floating Birds, a Galaxy in The shotgun spawn and a...
I like The idea of a Map being Built around The pinnacle Island. Also seems like it could Be Played with a zombies gametype? Maybe add more...
Ok, sorry for The Late post i will try to use Some of your Guys ideas and probably remove The Ghost, but what of The warthog?(you can Kinda See...
thanks for the quick feedback :] yeah there is alot more to the budget, could add more coverage, maybe a hovering covenant pad. also there is...
Sandbar - works well for 1v1 or 2v2 Slayer but support up to 8 players [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Sandbar was originally designed as a map for 1v1....
awesome gametype! played this today with a bunch of people, they seemed to really enjoy it. Got some pretty epic kills by getting stuck on the...