i think that the carbine is better because whenever i am shooting a moving target with the BR, it seems as though I need to aim where it WILL be...
well, if he had actually sniped the grenade, it would have blown up. still the video was very strange.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6UNCo8tubY&feature=user D: y no i can has duderas and novak
go to edit mode in forge mode press start change gametype to: territories / vip press X in forge mode scroll left/right until you get something...
this is a reel cool map cus you were working on it for many many years. i mean weeks. besides, it tests your skills at being like a ninjaaa!
y no shotgun under church? :]
what?? obviously you havent played the modded high ground. lol
i remember that back in the days of halo 2 matchmaking, if my team was getting owned, it was because the entire other team dominated the four BRs...
that was EXACTLY what i was thinking. hahaha. many times i try to build different parts of a level at different altitudes in foundry because of...
The door that opens when you walk up to it is now OPERATIONAL. yes the Artificers have done what no other has... when i get my Sony Vegas Pro...
i never got to play the halloween playlist and i wish i was able too :[ they need to put it back up soon.. and randomly, because i dont wanna...
so um guys, about dem screenies.\ i ffeel like im not helping at all. occasionally ill see the map, but yee. i think we need to start this as a...
and legos cause why would EGM do an april fools joke in feburary? that would just mean that they are desperate
You forgot the "&" in "copy & paste". Did you vomit up "copy paste" and then copy & paste it here?
who r da friend? cause i mkae a ub3r name f0r mappackz0r so it r not meh ritte also is can talk teh 1337
well, complaint i have, .. well not really, but still, not that hard to fixx: i played a match on this level today, about an 8 man FFA game....
hahaa, ive never been in an actually good set of persons on a team in BTB. this is gonna be a blastt
oh, lol. klink, didnt i play you on xbox live or something? name sounds really familier. hi AIDEN!
oh, uhh this is just like a quick match? im grounded for playing too much halo today.. so how about all of us on the weekend?
lol, i got what you're saying. i implied two things actually, a. another may not come out b. mythic was the name of the skull in halo 2 that made...