Look it's been stated, you do something wrong and you're gonna cop it.. It's up to you, if you want the banhammer then go right ahead... Simple as...
If you actually would like some honesty... They're all pretty ugly.
Way to reiterate what I just said... How about we let this, also, pointless thread just die on it's ass...
The first thing everyone needs to understand with a debate like this is that everyone has a personal preference. Usually depending on how versed...
I'm just sayin... You know, it's pretty dodgy overall... So yeah.
He said it's a stock, so if he removed the 'top layer' as you say, it would just be an image of spidey with the background. All he did with this...
I think mine's pretty self explanatory really... If you don't understand the meaning then you're stupid. Also it's ****ing hot... ♥
Let's face it, it's a pointless waste of space. How a something like this could be helpful to any decent map is beyond me. I mean a map is...
Well it's working now, so I don't understand the problem. Also it's an iPod, they have a nice history of having tantrums every now and then. Yet...
Is it working now?
Lol brilliant, it's just a simple Linu said, you do something wrong and you deserve it. I'm glad to see it's working though. I would love to know...
Lulz, you would be homotex =D
Lol you and me, now?
Your sig, good idea not well done imo... It's nice but the C4D's make it look raw and incomplete...
Nope sorry... Not doin' it for me...
'Cause I only like sexy people... Dah...
Maybe later... =]
Lulz =d going in maii sig!
Lololol Tex loves me, he loves he loves me he loves me =D Sexy time for me and Tex, sexy times ahead =D
You know just as well as I do that if we had the chance... We would be on the floor right this second...