Finally, all is well. You're talking like a normal person again.
It's an opinion. Look at how you're wording your sentences... **** sake, I didn't have a problem with you before. But now I do. What the hell is...
Your opinion is based on hate. Not wanted thank you very much. I thought your religion teaches respect and kindness. How about you show some....
Okay dumbass, you need to go back and re-read the last few messages you've sent me and ask yourself if that doesn't condescending. Seriously, if...
Your whole 'diplomatic' attitude is coming off to be very condescending. It doesn't seem to matter what you do, you insult someone. Don't talk to...
You acted like a douche... That's that.
Clearly you don't know me very well =P
Nice avy =]
Who would have though...
Lmao xD Nub =]
I lol'd so ****ing hard xD You're a dipshit moron... Being gay is a sick twisted joke? Moving right along... Strange isn't it... Lol you're a...
Uhh the link you give has no relation to this thread at all. It's not Microsoft, nor is it from India... Or anything like that at all...
Mmm yes, I'd say so.
I don't really like it... Something about it is just, I dunno... Wrong...
Kay? Woo?
Yes, because you know more about the disease than an expert doctor in the field... Right... There's a name for diseases that stay dormant in the...
Good for you
Because they do not have the same level of health care us western countries have, to put it simply. Also living conditions are not as high as ours.
Lol thanks =]
He, btw.