Yes, yes it is. I thought it might be something to do with the picture xD I'm from Brisbane Australia, born and grown.
Why do you say that?
Uhh dock? Not using a dock.
No of course not, way to cover your ass though. Good job with that.
Okay what the **** is wrong with you people, seriously. Linu you started this, I hope you feel bad xD Basically, who ****ing cares if they are....
I dunno, Nitrous got up me for something. I don't really remember what but the infraction was for a whole thread or something . I think it was the...
To be honest, who cares anyway...?
Mmm yeah I remember that.
Lol, that you did.
ROFL, nice xD
Go find a good theme, I use this one. You need to patch some system files. I'm assuming you have SP1, if so here's the correct files for you....
For which OS?
I dislike the pedoism implied. Yes I made that word up, deal with it.
My sig isn't meant to please you, it's meant to please me. That's that really.
I also insulted the staff members in the same way, why not quote those ones? Also, there are no rules against swearing here. Another thing, both...
I don't see why the mods and staff would be on my side anyway. I pretty much dislike all of them.
Text of wall fail type. Firstly if you want to be noticed, try improving your typing skills. Use paragraphs to start with. Oh you've also got 59...
Having not read anything in this thread but the OP and a couple of the replies I have this to say; Firstly, most of the 'staff' (Personally I...