floating objects video rocks my socks!!
this is sooo random
i use to know this one where like after every letter you typed it said are u sure you ment to put the letter (whatever the letter was) here? and u...
once, and as soon as i saw it i unplugged my xbox and waited a little while then came back and it was fine, sigh close one
Sir Yes Sir!!
i dont get it..
i never got one, cuz i couldnt really tell the difference on my buddies cuz he had one..to me it looked the same
haha what in the world??
Has anyone seen any good halo 3 montage videos?
yea lcd's last longer and i think they r brighter too
haha no i wish i think i would by a supra with it tho =]
eya ive seen that before but that idea came out the same time halo 1 did and they said that they thought of it first but who knows dude
since u apologized i guess its ok
buddy told me while we were in forge and he told me to come here to learn techniques
i'm only a captain but only because i play on the weekends usually i can take out most brigs
i think when you hook up your ipod you have to go to settings and click the sync tv shows or all videos to ipod, or atleast thats how i did mine
looks good dude
bummer dude mine did that too the other day but i just turned it off and its ok now SIGH!
Re: so whens luke gonna hand over them steak dinners yea really im gettin hungry