This site is being ruined by tht constant spam of NOOB maps on sandbox lately and its got to the stage of an annoyance. since the new map pack...
THIS SUNDAY. 7pm GMT (2pm EST?) THERE WILL BE CUSTOMS! Again we have felt the need to play more customs, and the lack of the games right now is...
ok ill keep it short. the TGIF this week was pretty sweet, we all had fun especailly when we played tremours and mice on sandbox and nobody...
As you may have known the mythic maps were released sometime in mid february along with halo wars limited edition (awesome game) But now they...
hey im a major grade 3, highest skill 31 in lone wolves, i NEED a doubles partner around the level 25 mark in doubles. im pretty good, use BR...
CODENAME: OUTPOST BRAVO 2 12 long years after the war when sector 14 bravo was returning home on arial transport when they got the devistating...
NACHT DER UNTOTEN! Or night of the living dead in English. A re-make of the new, craze **** ZOMBIES from C.O.D 5 Nearing The End of War the...
HighRise. The floating sancticty once left barron by the brutes has proved a vast and well equipped perverbial playground for the troops of...
OUTPOST BRAVO "2" Here is a quick peek of my upcoming bunker map "outpost bravo 2" it is a large bunker map set on the lower half of sandbox....
Valkrie! Im soo bored im posting my clan. The clan was stared off by Grassantor (because hes the cooliest!) We are a small social clan mainly...
HALOSRIKER214's party of testingness RECAP! By Spazmonkey92 This friday i was partied up with HaloStrikers party. we played a variety of mini...
heres a couple of pics and stuff me and berk made A CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! [IMG] and me WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! [IMG]
This is one of my first CTF maps and i quite like it :) After the great war the Allied forces dispanded after infiltration and spies. this...
HELLJUMPERS FAVORITES Ran by Spazmonkey92, berk is back, M4JOR N1NJ4 Kind of the same thing as bungie and forgehub favorites im sick and tired...
Hey ive not done alot on here and wondered if anybody is interested in a couple of my posts? ive got a screenshot...
DUCK HUNT SPAZMONKEY92 STYLE! This version made all by me [spazmonkey92] is my idea of that retarded but somehow awesome duck shooting...
Screenshot Mayhem! This is a new idea my myself [spazmonkey92] [Berk Is Back] and [M4JOR N1NJ4] there will be a weekly theme that should be...
An awesome screenshot competition my 3 members its a weekly thing need some entrants plz XD...
HAS BEEN MOVED TO HERE lookie lookie!
this map starts off in the back of the 2 identical bases on standoff humans in one and zombies on the other [IMG] [IMG] both teams make their way...