Simplistic is the way to go. These are way to hectic, and busy. Work on the text and colors. And there is no focal, i don't know where to look.
What about stocks? Should we throw like... 400 of those in there, also?
Kangaroo porn?
I started the first one, I got about... 25% into it, after action -> riding horse -> action it just go tooooo boring. I won't ne buying the second...
Rank Name Score 1 Zstrike13 100 2 Sticky 100 3 Juggernaut448 100 4 YouWillNeverKnow 100 5 Lolbyhouse 100 Super easy.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I dun like. Its too.... blue... for me. I'm not a fan of the colors.
Not yet. I like Mallets, but I'd love to see something with 3OH!3, thatd be the main thing. Please, do try.
Hey ya'll. As you can tell, I'm requesting a signature, because my photoshop took a poop, and I have lost it, so I can't make them anymore......
Yay! Add me " Not_joe_14 " is my name.,
Agreed. Everyone should stop. : P Seriously, mallet, that is amazing.
You just joined? How could you say something about about an experience you never had. Back in the old days, before rep, before loyals, before...
Did you even read the replies? Two posts above you said that he found it. This can be locked.
User CP > Profile customization or sometihng like that.
Err..... No.... No... Dom's win.
Do... It...
Tell me.
Where do you get those avatars? They're hot.
:Tell that to insane.
Yeah, it's not funny. You could get banned for it, and either way your going to be warned.