Glad to see another Pre-DLC. These can be just as much, if not more, fun than 90% of the interlocked foundry maps out there. I once did a CTF map...
Pre DLC maps don't usually do well on this site, because they cannot be appreciated by pictures like the average foundry interlocked map can be....
It was pretty good - the quality was amazing, and the editing was too, at parts. But I wasn't a big fan of all the contradicting styles of songs...
There are two factors to "professionality" as you put it: seriousness and your position in a hierarchy such as Forgehub. A high position in any...
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet. Squidhands made a really fun Conquest map on Standoff called Concussion.
Thanks a ton. Some people didn't like the 300 percent health, but the fact is that is the only efficient way to have a power-based game with that...
When you're facing the first phantom I believe...
Thanks everybody. I updated the DL link because I heard someone had a problem with it. Jason - how can't you? Just read the description!
Dude, D Wade is a BEAST. No doubt. =D Thanks for the feedback. Were you there during tests at all? One game on Valhalla if I remember...
Ah, I remember studying valence electrons. This is a very solid map with a few nice unique structures, I really like the tall central arches....
A first time forger? What do you mean do I even have Xbox Live? Look up some of my past maps. I did this for a monthly contest for Pre-DLC maps....
No problem, glad you like them! Merry Christmas to you too, and if you need any help, let me know. :)
Sure thing, 1 minute. I'll give you a few options and you can choose which ever you like best.
Post continued due to image maximum. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Frontlines: Junkyard + Center Mound [img] Gametype: Frontlines | Map: FL Center Mound | Map: FL Junkyard [img] Click above for website...
Cool, a belated welcome from me too. Good to see another basketball player - my high school had its highest attendance ever, 153 kids tried out,...
Alright, done. They're in my 23rd and 22nd slots.
The first picture leads me to believe you stole a couple pieces from Sanghelios as you have the same structure in the same spot. The forging...
Um... sorry, I don't see how an ordinary flag beatdown on a guy who looks like he isn't playing is funny...