France is not with you. Telrad has been attacking for the past half hour. I was prepared to allow japan to join our alliance with Russia and the...
The UK, Japan, and Russia team up and attack France! You guys up for it. I can probably get radiant to join!
Careful with france telrad. Wouldn't want to make yourself too much of a target.
The addition and subtraction signs don't matter. Whether they are there or not doesn't affect the score.
I'm just changing the numbers. And does that actually screw up the thread nether the less even matter. No! I think not.
Bull Dome. Just get rid of the bull cage and pallets. Download this and delete the extra structures. ~Carnage~
Tomorrow! It's midnight where I live!
This is a conversation about MLG make designing that I snatched from the Lolbox. I am sorry that you have to start reading from the bottom but it...
lol, How many push-ups can Chuck Norris do?
=0 This is really, really good. At least by my standards.
Oh sorry
Plants vs Zombies FTW
Could I get my name changed to PureCarnage?
Wow quite an awesome competitive map if you ask me. Inverted symmetrical map FTW. You did a great job including actual sandbox terrain in your map...
Enhanced Fortified Two simple ones that go along with the base more powerful than the other one theme.
Good luck! Probably last two games before you take it off cause of all the kids sending you friend requests. Lots of people will tell you it...
When he said that I visualized it as a small one versus one arena map. Much smaller than blackout with a more symmetrical design.
rated it 1! still 10% Also I am reporting it on the forging grounds so justice may be served.
It would be great to have a remake of headlong. If Debo67 and Public Servant can make interrobang and transfusion imagine what forgers could make...
Do you know if th review hub is being worked on or i it is a lost cause right now.