Ireland does not have to support the empire. Look at the way he talks to you. Like your his property. Rebel against this tyrant. Join the Russia,...
attack japan this time. Not canada otherwise they have a number advantage over us Youtuber help canada destroy japan. I will give you a cookie. And...
ATTACK JAPAN!!!! AMERICAINS WILL HAVE REVENGE!!! we need you to do this because your damage multiplier is over 9000!
Support Canada by attacking Japan. Just subtract two from Japans score and add one to Canada! WWIV thread
Congratulations, General of Ireland... We have expelled the foreign barbarians out of America. But, now the United Kingdom is growing in numbers...
The i mperial army must fall
attack Japan!!!
Keep attacking Japan. Nobody but CommanderMatt is online
I saw your Vm with Roche! We must take the UK down. We have spies everywhere. I have backup people too!
OK I think I have chillaxed
tez epic lulz! I had to do it! I was droven by instinct!
oh and you need to have more than three. you need a third person for RSt's plan.
What happens after we get rid of all common enemies? Does it become free for all?
I think me and shihuru attacked at the same time. Go to the LOLBOX
yus it is
Are you saying that we should continue attacking?