so if an item becomes invisible it only affects the host. does that mean that anyone who downloads a map that used this glitch and the maker put...
Oh I was just reading the new part of the guide you put it simply does not madder it should be matter. This was on the first part of the no clip...
looks good I was going to recommend putting in no clip merging but I see you already have, you might want to put in tear drop merging.
The item becoming invisible may be a problem with being the host in the video about how to dummy an item says that you must not be the host to do...
I was thinking the same thing, you might want to make the walls higher, or try putting wedges a long the side to try to make more inescapable....
This looks pretty awesome if I may say so. I can't wait for the finished product. I really like how it looks (it looks a lot like the actual...
This looks like a good map you might want to put up more pictures though. You also said that you need to let humans pick up weapons so you might...
I'm using foundry there are no oln canvases and Bungie said it is pretty much impossible to hit the item limit on foundry, plus i have seen maps...
I am getting the could not create to many on map message on foundry. I still need to do weapons, equipment, and some spawns. Is there anything I...
Could someone please tell me if you switch the gametype in forge to say ctf, would the items you put only show up in ctf. I need to know because...
I like the idea, but it looks a little crowded and confusing. It might be better if you took some of crates off to increase the line of site in...
halo screen shots is down right now, you will probably need to use photobucket and if you wait until the weekend the thread will be locked, you...
I was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to geomerge a wall into the window panel area in foundry to make a small bunker? If someone...
What if the canons shot something every so often
Do you prefer aesthetics that will make noise such as killballs and man canons or just plain old boxes and other items?
This map looks amazing, the forging is good. In my opinion there are to many power weapons. I think you should take the laser off put rockets in...
This looks pretty fun the only thing i see wrong with it is the arena it looks pretty small and plain. You might want to make some elevation...
Thanks do you know what it is on sandbox and does that work for bridges too?
Could someone please tell me what item you stack together to float a wall at the hight of a box? I was thinking it was 2 dumpsters but i can't...
The map is not named after the game fallout, me and my friend came up with the name and then we remembered that a game already had that name.