pretty cool
Am I able to add whatever weapons I want?
Does this map allow me to add different weapons if I wanted?
Uhh it's a small map, and it's up high so there arent many good angles I can get. I can't get above the layout. The first two panoramic pics are...
Im not sure if I should, there are 18 pics and they are quite large. I don't want to clutter the page. But those are the rules right? I guess I...
I first want to thank everybody for your great support already on my first few maps. The roost V.3 and V.3.1 were released for testing less than a...
I have High Ground, The Pit, and Guardian maps that are drastically different than the originals. They were all made before foundry, and I still...
Button Y is to toggle on/off of a selected player... not zoom out. I don't know whether you were being sarcastic. You can piece together the map...
Re: Roost 3.1, Small foundry slayer map mostly up high. Ya I'll take a Panoramic pic now.
Re: Roost 3.1, Small foundry slayer map mostly up high. haha ok, bungie's site won't let you and just put the link in here. But I'll put them on...
<<>>IGNORE THIS THREAD! NEW VERSION OF ROOST COMING OUT TOMORROW! WITH BETTER VIEW OF MAP!<<>> Thanks for the support and good ratings! In less...
Hey great to join the site finally. I want to find new maps to play small slayer games on, so recommend them if you got them. I also hope people...