Operation: Swordfish Howdy y'all, how's this here Halo Universe treatin' y'all? Well, I gots meself a very 'special surprise' for y'all to come...
Ok guys, please help me here. I really need some guys to help beta test a map I have recently played. I have some pics here of the map less...
K so me and my friend are posting a map soon and we need some people to come and play with us so we can take action shots. Thankyou in advance for...
Now yesterday I was talking to a friend who is on this site and we were collaborating ideas for a 'Fallout' map. Now he wanted to go and make a...
Da Big Canyon Big House OK everyone, its time for some good ol' cops and robbers. BUT But this here cops and robbers is a little different. Now...
ok, last TGIF i remember playing on a map that had a very well built pelican on. somehow, i can not find the map in the database. does anyone have...
Hey, this is my first map post on Forgehub. If there is anything wrong with the post please do not hesitate to say so. Cliffside Takeover...
okay in this one map im editing, one of the teams cannot go outside one of the main areas but the other one can. can i make a soft kill zone that...
Hey guys! Im thinking of making an invasion guide for the community. I see that people are still having trouble with making gametypes *cough*...