Thanks but where do I post JUST THE GAMETYPE, IF I DON"T WANT TO MAKE A MAP?
Looks great, good interlcoking, But this has benn done SO MANY TIMES. 5/5 though you need to add water, give informstion on gametype, and make it...
Hey, can you help me with, or make me a sig?
Let me just say this, this map is not suppose to ressemble to Midship, it is COMPLETLY ORIGINAL. I will post again when they release. Thanks!
Uh...Stupid idea for the hand, but great name, great interlocking, and rest of just looks cool, i'll try and download, then tell you how it goes.
Ok, I got my answer, plz mod close this, thnx!
Yea, you do need to enlarge the pics, even if you can click them. Anyway that map is boring (2.5/5). And the gametype is pretty good (4/5). I...
I see its not much info, but I didn't want to take the time to put the pics, but other than that, that was all that was there.
A Sports Anomaly The tale begins where all great stories do. On the field of battle. Instead of discarded spaulders betwixt spears, swords and...
I can tell you didn't download or pay attention to the background of the pic. There is interlocking, and this looks good actually, anyway, thanks...
YAYZ CURVEY CEILING !!!! Anyway I like this map, good cover/great aescetics/and just good looking gameplay! 5/5/5/5/5/5 And I don't know if you...
Great ideas, good cover, but lacks neatness and dosn't look like hills 3/5 *EDIT* : YAY First Post I give me a 5/5 LOL!!!
Also I saw this...PS YOUR WRONG, CHECK MLG CONSTRUCT Though it realy isn't for Foundry, Sorry for another post, don't spam plz
Great interlocking, and geomerging. Also great idea to use the oppisite way DL for you from Mr. ForgyForge. haha (5/5)
Hey, can you help me make a sig for my map?
Dude these are frekin ausome. 5/5 for all of them exapt the armory version, for a 3/5. Command is best!!! But I will take off pallets and in...
Nice, kinda sloppy boxes, also how did you get all the boxes the color you want them? Anyway I still give 5/5. I also saw this on the preview of...
Wow cool, but do zombies jump high to get out of noob trap? anyway for the maps and aestetics 4.9/5
Uh this needs more pics and a description-(OK for some reason I didn't see it there and yes I read the whole thing.). , and I don't get it. But...