Wow looks frekin great to play. I will get my friend to buy or rent and see how it goes :) This is better than forge.
wow, great story, my name is vivian too JK XD. Anywayz welcome againz.
YAYZ SPIDER MANS SON! JK. I rate the pick 4/5. I really like it, and hes doing a split. I might DL.
These are ausome exept the sloth one. Its just a goat and a word. Great job, keepn' makn'.
Hi, welcome to Forge Hub. Read the rules at the top and have a good time I guess haha.
Cool, and a store, great map, great aestetics too. 5/5 and DL from me.
wow cool, ask someone that makes SIGS. I can't sorry, but thats cool!
I don't get what we are arguing about. Realy? If your saying Bungie Favorites suck, then your right!
I already DL before I read the post it was so great, nice tower like a clock. 5/5 and another DL
Very good, open, but in a good way. 5/5 on everything, and reminds me of 'Stair Way To Heaven' by the part holding the sword.
You two can REALY make good sigs. I give them all good ratings but...I don't know anything about them exept for SubZero. Great Job!
I'v seen this before, looks great 5/5 rating. I already DLed this
I know how to Geomerge perfect but....How do you get those boxes so low in the ground they are sticking out by an inch. HOW??
Cars look wierd in this. I have played Frogger when I was 5. HAHA. That was fun, not as much as donkey kong.
Your only map and its PERFECT. You need to post more often. Unless your saying this took weeks to make. 5/5 and a DL.
I don't get it unless hes Chinese. I don't know if your talking hippy wise either. But I will rate a 2.5/5. And I might DL.
I have seen this before, this is very cool. Though if this is playable,(witch it is) it needs to be competitive. Also you need more cover, but...
Ok thnx!
Holy crap, this is great! I love this it looks so just great. I will rate 5 and DL.
I dunno where it is, and I want Bioshock with a big daddy and the sister girl thing?