Okay but you need to finish your post first before posting. I will wait and EDIT when the pics and DL butten are there. Ignore the top^ This map...
Rate My New SIG PLZ! [IMG] (Its Also Is My Signature) Made By teerav11
Cool, I will DL SOME of the pics and the map "Grey Room". Also its great you already found a glitch on Chillout. 5/5 rates on MOST of the pics....
Yea, not the best, not the worst. And again, yea nice effect. I will rate 4/5 and DL.
Cool, I never do that, I only get Double kills. Congrats(LUCKY!). I would rate for coolness 4/5. I won't DL though :I
I have seen this. And everyone knows how to make these. Great idea but I won't DL. 3/5 BTW.
Looks like it blew up, and you took it in the miidle of it. 4/5 rating and I don't like pics enough to DL this. Great Job though!
Str8 Rippin. They rockzzzz. I think they win because they won. Final Boss(Last Time They Where 9th When I Saw Them). I LUVS STR8 RIPPEN HAHAHAHA
Wow. You can forge realy good. Rating: Aestetics : 5/5 Looks : 5/5 Gameplay : Looks like 5/5 gametype : Is none(5/5 HAHA)
Well, people won't know who you are. You maps will not show your NEW GT. I changed mine twice, it will be ok in a week I think(it did for me).
Looks great I'd take it, but I won't. I NEED ONE. I will rate it, 5
Well I can't now, but it is yoda with the head of the alien from harry potter lolz. I will post it l8er tomorraw.
I see you can interlock very well. I will rate 4 and I will DL and try. Well I might not because i'm full of maps, but I might delete one. And...
I like 4.5/5. Looks ausome just BLURRY XD. But seriusly I don't like blurry soo yea.
I would but I have a partner. Hope you find another though.
Great bridges, there perfect. Not original. But it doesn't matter, it needs a little added though. 4/5 and a DL.
I think Silohette would work fine. (I didn't spell rite). I love the pic BTW
4th one looks better. personally. I like them all exept 1st one.
But shooter -It looks like a shotgun -works at close range and in small rooms -after a few secs it stinks the whole room -instint kill with in...
Dude read, don't just look at the pic. The point he posted is to get help tooo. Great pic again!