This was built using standard reach settings? How does it play with more classic jumps settings? From the video: Its nice that you were able to...
This is exactly (and I use that term loosely) what I wanted to do! The interior of Boneyard is a fantastic environment that you never actually...
Screenshots look amazing. I'm always looking for good small maps to play with my boys split screen.
Am I the only one that thought it funny he referred to remakes of maps from other games as "more original"?? @SMV- Don't worry, I love a good...
Thanks. I was going for a balance of accuracy and cleanliness of forging. I've seen a lot of lockouts that felt haphazard with their piece usage...
yes... another remake. :) But I think I'm done with remakes. I have almost all of the maps from previous halos that I love (more so with the...
If the scale proves accurate (which it should be pretty close given my method for creation) then it shouldn't be any more crowded than the...
Good writing should interest readers. no colors. But honestly, I didn't really expect people to read much of what I wrote. Thats what the title of...
there are a few sectons on the sides (below the platforms) that are a little more crowded than the original. However, It is my opinion that much...
I'd been looking for a good remake of Colossus that was not built into the coliseum and could not find anything. So I went ahead and made my own....
Whats missing? Did you download and run through it or are you basing that on the pics? The pics are all from in game action where many of the...
I think every forger should do a remake of Lockout. So I did one Designed for classic settings. Spawns are mostly taken from H3's Blackout....
Its played fine with 4 people 4 way split screen for me, even with effects on.
It ran fine split screen for me.
Of course I can... but should I have to? I imagine it doesn't happen very often when competent people play your map, but for those of us who jump...
You need some kill zones. My son and I both managed to get down to the island below.
exactly. Thats why I was so glad to see so much budget opened up.
Your changes are excellent! I do find it funny that streetside you changed out the exact opposite pieces for Coliseum walls that I did. I...
I always play to win mind you. I just don't always manage that. Part of my problem is not having a group of friends to play with. All my Halo 2...
prefabs don't always fit well into the design of a map. They often look odd and out of place. But if all you're going for is a functional piece of...