Looks like an instant classic just like duck hunt and the others :happy:
My clan, WWJD, is holding a night when we will all play (hopefully) the etire highlights of WWII. I have only found a few maps however. Here is a...
looks fun ill DL now
the explosion effect looks really cool. the mounted tank is a great idea and i think i might use that for a cool map ;] ill Dl right now. I LOVE...
More detailsplz (size, weps, equipment, vehicles, map, etc.) =[ I will help withmore detail
This looks like a great asthetic to use in the armory for the machinima I'm workin on. =] (I will post machinima on FH when done)
plz don't spam... I dont think this is your map because like 2 months ago i played a half finished version my friend was in middle of forging......
looks cool I'll dl but certainly looks like it needs improvement. Btw r u in aka clan, cause my friend is.
looks pretty cool. Although i never even heard of Goldeneye. :p I'll dl anyway looks fun
The snipers are cool to have. Trip mines r fun but racers BEWARE. I love thrown trip mines at people while in an obstacle road. ö...
WTF was point of that double post! Be more patient! umm I'll DL now and give feedback 2moro
you can make both flags spawn same spot but thats it soz :(
well the new forge filters will have a huge affect. Foundry will be used, but i think people will use ghost town or avalanche just as much
Shouldve searched first sorry just let forum die... :(
plz post all WWII remake maps here AND if it not yours its ok just include creators FH acc or Gamertag. I would love D-Day maps cause i love...
shooting would be creators choice. If you dont want it, give invinsibility, if you do, i say like 4X Overshield and 75% damage. Floating VIP or...
mallet, great point. However, you DID say that means there ARE exceptions(to an extent). You agree in a sense that it is possible for (so to...
Honestly, this is the greatest forum currently running. anyway, i agree with you 100%. Its the use of interlocking, not inclusion, that counts....
ty man I can't w8 to find out if it works!
U can make both flags respawn same spot! I'll make one 2morro and sho u