And I'll tell you something too kid, you don't get recognized on here by posting crap posts and half decent maps, you get recognized by making...
I swear ashden, you must either be the biggest idiot this community's seen in a longggg time, or just too ignorant and lazy to read the bloody...
I'll start by saying its a fantastic remake m8, very very well done and i can tell you put a lot of hard work and time into this, so again well...
I'll just say one thing, and that's Bravo and you deserve a round of applause. The map is beautifully designed and crafted and im loving the...
Okay so its a very well done and built map, but as for game play it could be improved. 1. Remove the turrets because there never good for game...
Dont worry m8, I know everything about coliseums and i assure you, if i had the resources and money this thing would be 5 stories high with an...
Thanks a lot, i really appreciate it. and i have tried building on foundry, but 1. the background just doesn't fit with a coliseum, and 2. it just...
Yeah it was the Romans who fought there, and thanks. I tried to make it as changeable as possible so people could do some interesting stuff with it.
Okay a few things: 1. you have no right what so ever to get pissed at people for posting their opinion of the map, you have it up on forge hub...
I like the layout, its a unique idea to make it like that. The multi window sort of hallway thing is cool too, i can see some interesting fast...
I'll just lay it right out here for you. 1. map has no detail 2. no unique features or structures 3. only one way to each side and very narrow...
Okay well i can see the shield doors bug everyone, so i'm going to take them out later, or at least move them back. But also thanks, it did take a...
this is what a weapon list should look like: 3x BR's (2 clips, 30 second re spawn) 2x Rcoket's (1 clip, 20 second respawn) 5x SMG's (2 clips, 20...
Fix your pictures, give us a weapon list, description of the map with detail, game types supported and number of players, then people might check...
Look i've tested it out and the map is perfectly balanced. The shield doors in no way effect things and its impossible and boring to camp in the...
Dude, i want the details, this is just a version 1 so i want feedback here, and if you want that fixed and think it should be then i'll do what...
[Note!] Energy sword has been replaced with a spartan laser, problem solved.
Desecration Desecration is a medium sized team slayer and capture the flag (red and blue colors only) built in the crypt of sandbox. It took me...
Here check this out, this is the link to the best sanctuary remake on forgehub, and the world. You can see for yourself that this guy stole the...