It's like an astronaut from 2001: A Space Odyssey. With all the negative shots. Insert eerie space music... I like it.
Elite 1: Hey guys! Check this out! Spartan 1: Showoff...
I love the first one most of all, it's simple but looks really cool and camouflagey.
I love the second one. Darn hoodlums sprayin' our walls with paint! Lol nice.
I think the first one is the best. It looks like some high hilltops in japan or something. The second and third are good too but I really like the...
Thats amazing, i never thought someone could do that.
Nice, although these kinds of shots are getting repetitive. I do like the MC's pose however, I wonder how you do that?
You mean Standoff?
This looks really cool I'll download it when i get back home.
It's almost impossible to get on bungie faves now...
Why don't you just play it instead of saying 'it looks like this' or that. Looks can be deceiving. And cowboypickle23 I don't care if you have a...
gravity is turned on very high so that doesn't happen. :)
Map Title: Shi No Numa Based off of Call of Duty World at War's **** zombie map Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is a map that...
Yeah they really should rename it... Or give bungie back control.
The thing in the left is a grunt with a plasma pistol, i tried to get it out of the picture but i couldn't get the right angle.
This looks pretty useful for simpler maps, i might use it once in a while.
This challenge is going to be impossible... I already tried to do it and i died really quickly, it is so hard to aim with blind skull on.
Here are some screenshots I took lately [IMG][IMG] Hope you guys like them. They are in my gallery : Halo 3 Screenshots
Rush looks sweet, I like the subtle style of all of these. It goes to show that you don't need action shots and characters to make a good screenshot.
It's too bad that bungie faves isn't based on a pictures quality anymore. Now it's controlled by groups on who nominate it and then...