I like the third one and loose goose, The style is old but i really like the silhouette effect on the third one.
Definitely the second one. The first one is a little to hazy.
I like beamz, all the other ones have too much color for my taste. But they look cool.
LOL, look out behind you! Great pic.
It looks ok, there really isnt anything special other than the white backdrop. And what is that behind his head?
I love isketchout the new ones that you were talking about were pretty cool too. Silhouettes never looked so good.
Wow, Lag to the rescue!!! Funny pic. I wonder why the other person died an you didn't?
I like the second one because it has the hot sand blur effect on it.
Gamertag: BruisingPenguin Bungie.net profile [spoiler]
Honestly this isn't that good. Its just a spartan holding two pistols with his arms crossed. It's not really funny either. But since it is one of...
I wish i could get that far but it will take a while for it to get around i guess
Cool pick it reminds me of monster trucks memories
I like the first one because it looks more actiony than the second. The second is good but kinda boring.
Yes its on my fileshare, Shi No Numa, but your going to need to delete a few objects to get the same effect.
Wow... HAXOR!!!!!!!!! or just some rediculous lag.
Thanks guys, I hope that i can get this recognized to get some DL's. And thanks to everone who recommended the shot to Halo Screenshots. It Made It!!!
I love the pixelized one at the end. The green Explosion is pretty cool too.
Recon, now with the ability to blow stuff up just by looking at it. Cool pic even though it has been done before.
He looks to angry to give a kiss. Maybe it's tough love.
Ahh wheres my body!!! Cool Pics. I like the second one the most.