very very nice work.....i'll download and back to ya..
OMFG aesthetics r amazing, and the overall i dea of the map i amazing.... def got my download. ill post back letting u kno wat i thought about it.
ya i downloaded as well....can't wait to play this. looks very well put together. im not really a fan of small maps, but this looks to organized...
this map is f'ing official....i love br maps and this is perfect for when me and my friends play awsome job man! i loved it
tight map!, i loved the bridge and that lil corridor with the walls for protection. rlly good map for BRs with my friends. 5/5
i rlly like this map actually. awsome concept. only thing that i dont rlly like is that the roofing on each base doesn't rlly look too clean to...
My friends and I play alot of MLG FFA styled maps and I believe this could be a great addition to our collection. I love how u took into...
Yea get some more screens so we can see the 40+ hours of work u put into it. I bet tons more people would dl if u uploaded some more. :)
Yea, I think u shoulda gave some screens of inside the castle itself.
Yeah, some of the obstacles really do look tough. From the screen shots, I'd say this is a pretty tight concept. nice job!
Form the screenies, it looks like it's an arena styled map, but I could be wrong. Maybe provide a better description so it could be more clear?...
hmmm... well i still don't see the interlocking (Im blind tho so don't worry :P). looks like another bart's manor or i am legend map to me, but...
just a little curious as to how both of these are the hardest maps ever... lol. I'll giev em a try tho. These betta be hard :)
Meh...good is what you would describe the interlocking as i guess. I'm not the best at that and I'm relatively new to it so I'm not all that...
O yes, i know this has been done a lot. Believe me... I don't really like the fact that I even wasted time on making ANOTHER sticky arena map....
STICKY ARENA v.3 By: xl PTF Hero lx [IMG] History:Sticky Arena v.3 is the next remake in line for my Sticky Arena Map Variant. In Sticky Arena...
I thought about the plasma pistol start but I didn't want to be like every other sticky dodgeball style game type. I wanted to make a game type...
I like the idea.Looks pretty tight from the screenshots, however I do have some questions. What is the purpose for the teleporter? I see that...
Actually, I touched base on both of those topics. Perhaps you missed them. I that as an incentive to not just shoot peopleto get a point, with my...
Thanks all for the comments. About the shield door idea, I too thought about doing that. However, I cant really get the shields to look good. I...