This looks like a split-screen nightmare, so I unfortunately won't play it. Tell how, though; How does this play out? I never saw the first Glass...
Sorry, but... FRAMERATE!!! GAH! Yes, this is what I call a review. Cool idea, don't try on split screen... or with more than 4 people.
Shouldn't this go in Aesthetics?
I may just try this challenge. Must it be solo, or can we grab some friends?
Do the loadouts have armor abilities, or are they all Sprint or the like? EDIT: I'm all for Firefight games, they are my favorite gamemode. Looks...
There's a Shotgun loadout for competitive play hidden in the gametype options, you can switch it on and off as much as you please. I took it out...
Spec Ops has two grenades since I always feel as one is too little, especially when on heroic, those Elite shields will eat them up. In...
Spartans are still at 100% speed, maybe they just seem fast in the trailer due to camera angles or Sprint. I may make more Firefight gametypes,...
Gosh, every new map from you just makes me happier and happier to know I stalk... erm... follow, you. And this map? Gorgeous! Anyone who plays...
Genetic Genetic is a Firefight gametype that is focused completely on teamwork. In basic terms, Genetic is a Generator Defense type firefight with...
Just a couple questions: Is the map relativity large? From the pictures, it seems like it, though it could just be long sight lines. Also, what...
So much, in so little. One might think it's spamming... Just a hint for further posts.
I really like this map, the open areas and various levels are really interesting. I'm glad I found your slew of maps, they're quite enjoyable :)
I really love this gametype, considering Split Second is one of my favorite racing games. I just wish my friends enjoyed it as much as I do, well...
To me, it seems like the Mystery Box room would get camped a lot, is there something to stop the humans from doing that? Also, I really do like...
Are there any weapons on the map, or is this made for plain Alpha Zombies? I also enjoy large infection maps.
I really disliked the fat kid maps, however the forging on this map look excellent! I'm guessing it all just leads to a dead end? Kudos.
Explosivo is a video I made with just me and my friends goofing around on Rent-A-Car/Crash-Up Derby. We did change the gametype for focus rifles...
Well done, this looks like a swell race track! Although, in my opinion, it's very confusing on where to go next and how to get there, so if I ever...
The spores just scream INFECTION to me... Do you mind if I borrow your idea for a future map and give you credit? Or maybe you could build an...