looks pretty kool. in the future, i wouldn't take your pictures in forge. the lights that show spawn points kind of distract from the actual...
you know you CAN do the money glitch during production of a map. i got really far in a map only to realize i had no money left, so that saved me....
damn dented drum. you're helping me too :). i wouldn't mind knowing how to do that bbs code either. i'll ignore the "things" comment cause you...
i donn't really play mlg maps all that much, but i've seen a lot coming through the forums. yours has a unique look to it and it seems much more...
it does, but you say they're for defense. does that happen to mean you have one-bomb set up on this for people to try and sabotage the...
i feel like you spent more of your post showcasing aesthetics than you did gameplay. and from what i can see, thats how your map production went...
i don't think its good to leave the whole level open for people to run off somewhere else but w/e. it looks like a nice, fun little town. i really...
infection maps are ok, but i find any party i play with usually getting bored of them. not sure if i'll download, but i will say that lately i've...
i can't see the pics gollum. which sucks cause this sounds really kool. i'll keep the page marked and i'll probly just download anyway. you...
wow. this actually looks really kool. i may be one of the few who actually doesn't mind no merging in a map, as long as it still looks decent and...
this does look like one of the better foundation remakes. i really like how you utilized the back area of foundry to make the bases. very smart,...
hmm. pretty kool. i saw diamond and hourglass and played them already. lots of fun, i have to say. i think that was before nucleus and sigma, and...
nice job on getting pictures up. it's confusing the first few times you get it. as for the map, it looks like decent gameplay. the only problem...
yeah dude, i like the idea of the steps to the treehouse. and the switch seems very well put together. but come on, man. when you've got skills...
wow. this is like the map i've been waiting for and just didn't know it. it's like a paintball game. and the pit has the perfect look for that....
goin a little achievement happy fill? lol. really, i've been seein you smack those all over the forums. looks like somebody likes his technology...
dammit! me too! lol. guess i gotta hop on this stuff earlier. well done on beating us to it, map looks pretty kool
damn, gotta admit i'm just impressed when someone puts this amount of time into their work. it looks like you put lots of consideration and effort...
wow... i've never played katamari, but i know wat it is. it just surprises me how stupid some of the comments have been. he said it would only...
wow. i never saw the first version, and i haven't played this yet, but jesus christ dude. you have some serious forging skills. this is one of the...