it looks pretty good. i like the center column. i don't think there are any errors with your forging, but i think your picture-taking could use...
i like that you're using kayaman's switch, but it sounds like all that's going on is one team running over to shut it, and then that eliminates a...
a top-down shot would be better for your overview picture. i'm having a hard time figuring out whats goin on
i think it looks awesome. the only thing is that the bases are different. they both look great but i think you'll get some complaints about it not...
looks kool. maybe you should give the grifs some flares or radar jammers. just give them something to find and use to their advantage so it's a...
what? dude, you put stuff underneath the level too? you're kidding me. i see firebomb's and all sorts of equipment under the center grates. no...
this map is incredible. i love the design and the structures are perfect. i particularly like how you merged all the stairs into the walls, but...
spec-freakin-tacular dude. i'm loadin it up on my xbox right now. i think i found a keeper on my hard drive
if you wanted to make it really kool, you could use a hill or something a little elevated off the ground. then make people lose points for being...
dude...well it is good, don't get me wrong. but it feels TOO much like reflex to me. inspiration is one thing, but i'll have times where i get...
pffft hahaha. dude i am completely alone while lookin at this and it still made me laugh my ass off. it's like the James Bond cone just stumbled...
yeah i agree. the forging looks nice, and i like the story, but it feels better as a story. i was waiting to see some spartans bust the tank and...
i really don't like the fact that one player has to be in the hornet the whole time. i mean, thats the only way it'll work, i know, but it still...
aw its been so long since i've played half life. definitely my favorite offline series ever. i remember the level name, but i can't remember what...
holy christ dude. thats amazing. i'm not really sure what i could use this for, but i'm brainstorming already lol. i'm bookmarking this now so i...
yea a v2 is a good idea. the first problem is that everyone starts together. so all the action is right up there, but its not so much action as it...
yea it looks ok... gameplay seems a little weak tho. specially in your description nobody wants that crap lol
yea, it looks like a nice layout. i personallly can't play without honor rules though, cuz my parties always suck... still kool tho
don't know why everyone's trashin this. looks western, and lots of fun. i'm downloading defnitely. and honor rules? of course there aren't. read...
yea dude, its not the next revolutionary map out there. but its not terrible. nice ring. i myself don't particularly need a sword duel map, but it...