you said the spartan laser is a "ganondorf weapon?" understandable, but ganondorf wasn't in the spirit temple. yea, i sound like the biggest nerd...
hmm.. really kool map. i like the weapon ideas (ie: firebomb=flaming rock), and the idea for the flags on the top of the buildings is pure genius....
i like the way you used the bridges, and the fact that its in the back. but perhaps it's a bit TOO confined. what if you made another version, but...
it sounds like a good idea, but unfortunately, your post isn't up to standards. you need pictures, man. EDIT: yeah, i know you're more focused on...
aright, i know you said you didn't know too much about forge tricks when you made it, but look at the first picture. the one of the rocket room....
oh perfect. i didn't even look at the links, my bad. thanks dude. i'll jus bookmark the thread and come back later if i need more of the...
ok i'm definitely downloading this. no doubt. i unfortunately don't have a whole lot of room on my hard drive right now, so i'm wondering if the...
mlg maps aren't neccesarily for me, but i absolutely love that sniper slit thing. that's one of the koolest ideas i've ever seen.
i haven't played hurricane town yet, so i can't say whether yours plays better. it does however, look much better. i'm gonna try both and see how...
good stuff, dude. i remember on stonehenge, you mentioned you were testing this. i woulda asked to join in on that but i wasn't around. either...
i can't say for sure but it looks like this requires honor rules. if it doesn't, then you should take your pictures from a custom game instead of...
what happens if you fall off the bridges? do you just have to kill yourself, or is there a way back up?
yea, dude. not the best use of that switch. most people try to incorporate the wall gadget into their map and it ends up feeling tacked on....
wow. excellent work. i can't say as to how it plays, i haven't tried it yet. but from what i can see, you made what little options cold storage...
ughh... i HATE when people say stuff like that. it's like you're basing your entire opinion of the map on whether or not it has interlocking. its...
lol oh ok. sorry. i've seen all too many people with posts like "oh my god my map is kewl it has two bases the weapons BR Sword Shotgun there are...
i like the map, i'll DL. but in future posts, a little punctuation wouldn't hurt... you know, these guys? >>":;,'."<<
you mean highered? so you jump lower? oh well. its alright, but there's others and they're better. sorry, no DL for me
looks interesting. it seems like you're favoring gameplay over aesthetics, and that is by no means bad. i actually prefer gaemplay. but if i were...
uh. decent idea. no pictures. not even a link. how do you expect people to like your map, or even download it for that matter?