Hey kids, lets all jump to ****ing conclusions! He said that he will be releasing 1.8 with all features except NPC's, Villages (Due to them...
Thats not 12 maps stoopid. My maps: Damnation - So much fun. Avalanche - Because of the midair skyjacks over cliffs. Timberland - Awesome...
Where can I find these cool content expanding mods everyone is talking about? Just want to be prepared for it.
Fat people have no place in the navy.
Can someone define Hellium? Like what the **** is that supposed to be? Its giving me a spelling error when I type that. Whats this big "Flaw"...
Add meh and we can forge sometime.
Old Gregg Full (HD Version) - YouTube
After seeing it in action I actually think I don't mind it. But disabling it in SMP is still a good idea. You could have a seperate survival-ish...
I'm pretty sure he built the walkways around the rocks. ;) Does the ocean have weird walkways around the exact same pixel perfect rock? Walled...
Inorite? The endermen actually seem pretty cool and they die in water. Although I am glad they are rare. I had my volume on max while listening...
At first I had a little skepticism about 1.8. Now I have none after watching this livestream of PAX: Justin.tv - fdoke - test For those who are...
I just fell in love. Looks like I know where my next nomination is going. Anyways all the walkways look sweet, and overall aesthetics are awesome....
Dubstep, Electro, Techno House, and rap. 'Nuff said
fix'd lock the thread please.
Cover is much to scarce in that open area. Although cities are hard to try to replicate in forge, it doesn't give anyone an excuse to not use...
The waterfall adds much more depth to the map. I expected this when I saw your name, not the picture. Your maps are pretty good, keep it up.
I'm sure you can guess as to what I am hinting.
Try not to use too many premade structures like buildings and when you do, rotate them and try to use them in a way Bungie wouldn't expect you to.
GL spawn near blue looks amazing! Keep up the good work.